Fancy Things

FANCY UPDATE: Follow Fancy Things on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or apply to be the driver of my Fancy rickshaw if social media isn’t your (WAIT FOR IT) Fancy. More updates are nigh, but that is Fancifully all for now. *** I’ve been doing random drawings (collectively known as #zackstovart [GET IT?! IT’S LIKE MYContinue reading “Fancy Things”

Gene Kitsmiller: ‘Bucket List’ Stand Up Comedian

As most of you know, I do stand up around St. Louis. It’s a lot of fun, and living in a city in which I don’t know that many people, it’s a great way to do my own thing for myself and meet other people. One of the people I’ve met is Gene Kitsmiller. He’sContinue reading “Gene Kitsmiller: ‘Bucket List’ Stand Up Comedian”

Witnessing the Raw Humanity of an Illinois Flea Market

Here’s the scenario: You need something random for your house or apartment. “Need” is a little strong. You want something for your abode, but it’s nothing that you’re actually wanting to spend any sort of significant amount of money for. Pier One, Crate and Barrell, even places like Target can get pricey. You’re looking for aContinue reading “Witnessing the Raw Humanity of an Illinois Flea Market”

Happy Valentine’s Day From Zack…May It Be Better Than His First Valentine’s Date Experience

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone. I’d go on some unoriginal and long-winded rant about how Valentine’s Day is a manufactured holiday that sends couples into agony and more profits into Hallmark executive’s wallets, but quite frankly it’s been done, and I actually don’t mind it. Everybody likes a good dinner, and a good excuse toContinue reading “Happy Valentine’s Day From Zack…May It Be Better Than His First Valentine’s Date Experience”

Zack’s Hate Mail From The Most Adorable Little Girl You’ve Ever Seen Who Is Also His Downstairs Neighbor

In our offices, everyday it seems like Zack gets a piece of Hate Mail from just about any and everybody you could imagine. Here are some of the keepers:

How To And How To Not Compete And WIN Beauty Pageants

Two words: WEAK SAUCE. Like the Mom said, if beauty pageants weren’t about beauty they wouldn’t be called beauty pageants. Little girl needs to GROW THE EFF UP AND TAKE THAT SCALDING HOT WAX LIKE THE GROWN WOMAN SHE CLEARLY ISN’T. Those eyebrows that were removed? UNSIGHTLY. I guess. I don’t know I couldn’t really seeContinue reading “How To And How To Not Compete And WIN Beauty Pageants”

Can’t Say My Entire Perception of Male Cat Owners Isn’t Shattered By The Godfather Owning A Cat

When I moved into the apartment I’m in now, I had the understanding that a single man had occupied it previously. It had been uninhabited for some time, so while dusting behind the stove, under the dishwasher, etc., I was very disturbed to find what can only be described as a grown-man’s-dumpsworth of uneaten catContinue reading “Can’t Say My Entire Perception of Male Cat Owners Isn’t Shattered By The Godfather Owning A Cat”

Quick, I Need Injury Stories To Tell People Instead of Telling Them I Pulled A Muscle Sneezing Too Hard

EMERGENCY FREAK OUT TIME, HOMIES. I pulled or tweaked or otherwise injured a muscle in my back, like right in the middle on the left side of my back. This has made even the most menial leanings-over to get off the couch or bending over to pick up a slice of cheese that fell onContinue reading “Quick, I Need Injury Stories To Tell People Instead of Telling Them I Pulled A Muscle Sneezing Too Hard”